Vlad E. Genin, Ph.D (Technical Science), Professor of Management. In the late 1980s, he started his career in Silicon Valley, California in international business development, defense conversion, and HI Tech technology transfer. Since 1994, he has been Chief Program Coordinator, Morrison Institute, Book General Editor, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Campus College Chair and core faculty, at the University of Phoenix, Silicon Valley, and Co-Director of the UCLA International Program. He has been Advisor to U.S. and foreign universities on innovative online and blended educational programs. He is a past Plenipotentiary Representative of the Higher Education Academy of Sciences in the United Nations. |
Tatiana Andrienko, Doctor of Sciences, PhD (Philological Sciences). Professor, academic leader, seasoned scholar and practitioner in the field of Intercultural Communication, Communication Theory, Cognitive Linguistics and Translation; author of four university textbooks and five research monographs, as well as over 70 research and academic publications dedicated to the study of intercultural communication and translation strategies. |